plante de fer aspidistra elatior.

Karakteristike. Aspidistra (Aspidistra elatior Blume) je trajna zimzelena zeljasta biljka iz porodice šparogovki (Asparagaceae).Ne stvara stabljike. Listovi su jednostavni, uspravni ili blago povijeni, tamnozeleni i sjajni, ovalno lancetasti, duguljasti, dugi i do 80 cm, široki 8-13 cm, cjelovitog ruba i ušiljenog vrha, rastu direktno iz mesnatih zadebljanih rizoma a …

A. elatior (or A. lurida) : The most common species grown of the Cast Iron plant because it can withstand adverse conditions. A. I.' Variegata' ( Aspidistra elatior variegata): Features white or cream stripes on outer parts of the leaves, but otherwise is very similar to the parent plant. Common Problems

Aspidistra Species: elatior Family: Asparagaceae Life Cycle: Perennial Dimensions: Height: 1 ft. 0 in. - 3 ft. 0 in. Width: 1 ft. 0 in. - 3 ft. 0 in. Whole Plant Traits: Plant Type: Ground Cover Herbaceous Perennial Perennial Woody Plant Leaf Characteristics: Broadleaf Evergreen Habit/Form: Clumping Erect Spreading Growth Rate: Slow Maintenance ...

The cast-iron plant (Aspidistra elatior) is native to Taiwan and the southern islands of Japan, where it grows in the understory of the forest. It features long, tapered leaves that are glossy green, sometimes with …

Aspidistra elatior, la planta de hierro fundido o planta de sala de bar, también conocida en japonés como haran o baran, es una especie de planta con flores en la familia Asparagaceae, nativa de Japón y Taiwán. Tolerante a la negligencia, se cultiva ampliamente como planta de interior, pero también se puede cultivar al aire libre a la …

Aspidistra elatior, comúnmente llamada planta de hierro fundido por su capacidad para sobrevivir al abuso cultural significativo, es originaria de China y Japón. Es una planta de follaje perenne, sin tallo y de fácil …

Vuelve a plantar la aspidistra inmediatamente después de comprarla en una maceta más grande para que las raíces tengan más espacio y para estabilizar la planta, de modo que el tamaño de la maceta coincida con …

Aspidistra elatior, an understorey plant native to Taiwan and the southern islands of Japan, is one of approximately 100 species in the genus. The genus Aspidistra was first …

Top Tips & Info. Aspidistra can withstand all levels of indirect light; however, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, especially in the height of summer due to the risk of sun-scorch and bleached leaves. Keep the soil evenly moist, allowing the top third of the compost to dry out in between waters. Reduce this slightly in the autumn and winter ...

Un ejemplar de una 'Aspidistra elatior', llamada comúnmente pilistra u orejas de burro. Paroli Galperti (Universal Images Group via Getty) Carol López. Madrid - 22 mar 2023 - 05:25 CET

Top Tips & Info. Aspidistra can withstand all levels of indirect light; however, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, especially in the height of summer due to the risk of sun-scorch and bleached leaves. Keep the soil …

Family: Liliaceae Plant type:perennial; herbaceous USDA hardiness zones:7 through 11 (Fig. 2) Planting month for zone year7: round Planting month for zone year8: round …

Vuelve a plantar la aspidistra inmediatamente después de comprarla en una maceta más grande para que las raíces tengan más espacio y para estabilizar la planta, de modo que el tamaño de la maceta coincida con el de la planta. Drena el fondo de la maceta con una capa de arena gruesa o grava fina. Cubre con tierra para macetas.

Aspidistra Species: elatior Family: Asparagaceae Life Cycle: Perennial Dimensions: Height: 1 ft. 0 in. - 3 ft. 0 in. Width: 1 ft. 0 in. - 3 ft. 0 in. Whole Plant Traits: Plant Type: Ground Cover Herbaceous Perennial Perennial …

Botanical Name: Aspidistra elatior Common Name: Cast iron plant Hardiness Zones: 7 to 11 Bloom Time: Spring Bloom Color: Purplish Uses: Houseplant, border plant, ground cover How to Use Cast Iron Plant The Victorians used cast iron plants as houseplants, and these leafy beauties are still popular choices for homes and offices.

Aspidistra elatior is the subject of still life paintings by the early twentieth-century Scottish colourist Samuel Peploe. The plant's association with middle-class drawing rooms was used by George Orwell in his biting, satirical novel Keep the Aspidistra flying (1936). The plant also appeared in music hall routines, such as Gracie Fields' The ...

Height: 60cm Spread: 30cm Foliage colour: Position Aspidistra elatior is also known as the cast iron plant – an apt description as it really does have a cast-iron constitution. It was a …

Aspidistra elatior Nom(s) commun(s) : Langue de Belle Mère, Plante en fer Forgé Synonyme(s) : N/A Famille : Asparagaceae, Nolinoideae ... Aller au contenu. Recherche. Identification des plantes. Menu. Mauvaises herbes; Plantes de France. Plantes invasives en France; Plantes Sauvages de Belgique.

A. elatior (or A. lurida) : The most common species grown of the Cast Iron plant because it can withstand adverse conditions. A. I.' Variegata' ( Aspidistra elatior variegata): Features white or cream …

Native to China and Japan, cast iron plant (Aspidistra elatior) has glossy green leaves that grow to 24 inches long. Some have cream-colored or white stripes and streaks on their foliage, while others have yellow and white speckles. Also known as bar room plants, these slow-growing members of the lily family mature at 2 to 3 feet high and 1 to ...

Noteworthy Characteristics. Aspidistra elatior, commonly called cast iron plant for its ability to survive significant cultural abuse, is native to China and Japan.It is an easily-maintained, stemless, evergreen foliage plant that typically grows to 3' tall. Arching, lanceolate, glossy dark green leaves (to 24" long and 4" wide) rise up directly from its fleshy rootstock on …

Aspidistra elatior Nom(s) commun(s) : Langue de Belle Mère, Plante en fer Forgé Synonyme(s) : N/A Famille : Asparagaceae, Nolinoideae ... Aller au contenu. Recherche. Identification des plantes. Menu. Mauvaises …

The cast-iron plant ( Aspidistra elatior) is native to Taiwan and the southern islands of Japan, where it grows in the understory of the forest. It features long, tapered leaves that are glossy green, sometimes with stripes or spots.

Nervurile frunzelor sunt proeminente si paralele. Florile neparfumate, de culoare purpurie, apar rar si discret la baza frunzelor. Denumire populara : Aspidistra, Planta de fier, Pana cocosului. Sinonime : Aspidistra lurida Tipul plantei : Erbacee Durata de viata : Perena Origine : India, Indochina, China si Japonia. Habitat : Regiuni tropicale.

General Information Scientific name: Aspidistra elatior Pronunciation: ass-pid-DISS-truh ee-LAY-tee-or Common name (s): cast iron plant, aspidistra, barroom plant Family: Ruscaceae Plant type: …

Genre: Aspidistra. Espèce: eliator. Famille: Asparagacées. Origine: Japon. L'Aspidistra est une plante vivace à souche rhizomateuse, au port touffu et érigé et au feuillage persistant. D'une croissance …

genus: Aspidistra; origin: China and Japan; scientific name: Aspidistra elatior; growth: slowly growing, ever-green, perennial, enduring, herbaceous; height: 50 – 70 cm; leaves: dark green, sometimes light …

drainage should ensure a good water drain to avoid waterlogging. afterwards, fill the pot with soil up to about a third. take the plant from the old pot and shake of the drained earth. if shaking off proves to be hard, dip it into the water. now the old soil should be loose. put aspidistra into the new pot.

La aspidistra es el Matusalén de las plantas de interior. Longeva y superresistente —en inglés se la llama coloquialmente cast iron plant (planta de hierro fundido)—, no es nada exigente en...

Growing Indoors If you using this as an indoor plant try the following care instructions. Use a good quality potting mix, free draining is best. An indoor daytime temperature between 18 and 23 C is ideal with a cooler night temperature …